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Managing your Academic Identity

​​​​​​​Pros of using ORCID

  1. It ensures your research outputs are associated with you and helps you distinguish yourself from others with similar names.
  2. It links your iD with your affiliations, works, grants and awards.
  3. You own and control your ORCID record, managing what information is connected and how it is shared.
  4. It enhances the discoverability of your work. Use ORCID as a hub between funding agencies, publishers, repositories, and article databases.
  5. It saves you time (“enter once, reuse often”).
  6. It makes it easier to comply with publishers’ and funders’ policy that makes ORCID mandatory.
  7. An ORCID iD is free to register and use.
  8. It gives you a permanent and unique identifier for your whole career. ORCID iD becomes a metadata in your research activities, which ensures that you receive credit for all of your work regardless of your affiliations.
  9. It facilitates networking, allowing you to connect with other researchers around the world for possible research collaborations and associations.