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Managing your Academic Identity

Merging your Scopus Profile

Check if you have multiple Scopus IDs and merge them if you do. Here’s how to do that:

1. Go to Scopus and sign in.

2. Conduct an Author Search, by entering your first and last name(s) and clicking on “search”. Do not include full affiliation if you have worked across different institutions.

3. If the search results contain two or more author profiles that belong to you, select them and click “Request to merge authors”.

4. Go through the steps via Author Feedback Wizard to add or remove publications (if needed), and confirm your affiliation.

5. Confirm and submit.

6. An email will be sent to your email address to confirm the changes. Click on “Back to Scopus” to end the process and return to the Scopus main page.



It is important to make sure that all your publications are listed under one unique Scopus Author ID and that all of the works listed under your Author ID belong to you. This also ensures that your citation information (e.g. total citations, h-index) can be accurately retrieved.