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Innovation Info

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List of Innovative Companies

Startups Lists

Company Information

All public and major private companies worldwide, including banks and insurance companies. 
1,909,100+ companies.

All public and private Spanish companies .
2,700,000+ companies.  

Industry Research

Company, industry, financial, and country information extending across every major marketplace worldwide.

Full text reports (compiled by analysts at Euromonitor) and statistics for international consumer markets.

Choose Companies/Markets > Industry.

Limit by "Industry Profile" under "Publication Type" and access industry reports from several analysts.

Innovation Books

Discovery - Innovation 
Find books and e-books. (Also articles).

For books, select “Books”, type your search terms (by author, title, subject) and SEARCH. Details of printed books in IESE Library.

For e-books, limit your results by Show only> Available online. You can find subscribed books from different providers including EBSCO, Springer and Elsevier, as well as different e-books available for free.

News & Articles on Innovative Companies

Find news and articles: innovation, innovative companies, etc.
Major business news sources & newswires such as Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Forbes, Fast Company, Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Find articles, books and more: innovation, innovative companies, etc.