Extensive historical coverage of economic data.
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Current and historical economic data. Available in Barcelona Library.
IMF Statistics
European Comission Economic Indicators.
World Bank analysis and visualization tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics.
A data access system to UN databases. Users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system.
Access both the statistical information compiled by the Banco de España as release calendars for statistics.
Spanish Government. Economic indicators series.Interactive tables.
Publications by IESE Faculty on Economics:
IESE Insight
Full-text of NBER Working Papers from November 1994 to the present.
Open Access repository with links to full-text working papers and journal articles on economics.
SSRN offers a large collection of working papers mostly authored by prominent university faculty, both pre- and post-publication.
OECD Research Reports.
A leading European research group unique in the area of economic research.
Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists.
UK's leading think tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice.
Comprehensive indexed bibliography of the world's economic literature, produced by the American Economic Association.
Full-text academic journal articles with a focus on economics literature.
Articles and citations of the most important scholarly business and economics journals as well as current company, industry and region reports.
Worldwide News.
Open access material in business and economics. (A joint project of the ZBW and the USB Cologne).
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Electronic books from E-Libro CÁTEDRA España (formerly in ProQuest Ebook Central), a multidisciplinary platform that includes more than 100,000 Spanish electronic books from top academic publishers. Ebooks download allowed (registration is required)
EBSCO's multidisciplinary eBooks Portal. Ebooks download allowed.