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E-Commerce (Goods and Services) by country (France, Spain, UK, etc.)
E-commerce statistics, by country, by company share, by brand shares
Deloitte. From Bricks to Clicks. Global Growth Through e-Commerce
Deloitte. Fifth Annual e-Commerce Assessment. Digital and the Connected Consumer
EY. Future Consumer Index: People are Reconnecting with Their Deeper Values
IBM. Meet the 2020 Consumers Driving Change
McKinsey. Future of Retail Operations: Winning in a Digital Era
To access the full text of the reports, log on to Gartner. First click here and once logged in, click on any article title to retrieve the full-text.
– Articles & Books about e-Commerce
IESE Library Discovery
Search by digital commerce or electronic commerce, and trends or business models.
– IESE Publications on e-Commerce
IESE Insight
– News on e-Commerce
– Open Access Literature on e-Commerce
To retrieve information on ecommerce companies we recommend using the databases listed in the Company Info guide.