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ESG in Business

Getting Started

Top databases for ESG in Business

Literature about ESG

Discovery – ESG. Books, articles and more.

IESE Insight – ESG publications by IESE professors and researchers.

World Economic Forum. Strategic Intelligence – ESG

• News

Comprehensive global news and business information database.
Use Factiva Expert Search functionality to limit results to “ESG/ Investment Stewardship” news. Select the criteria you want to limit on the left-hand facets menu and click Search.

ESG Data

Sources where you can find data on:

• Environmental

How well a company upholds regulations that protect the environment.

(For desktop application or web access please email )
For Environmental company data:

1. Search for a company using the search box on the top left-hand corner of the page.
2. Once on the company profile page, click on the “ESG” tab in the top menu> “ESG statement” tab.
3. On the left-hand filters column, limit by “Environmental” pillar.

For downloading large datasets:

LSEG provides in-depth coverage of environmental-related data dating back to FY 2002.
Type ESG on the search box and retrieve a list of ESG search Apps.

For Environmental company data:

1.    Type on the search box Ticker Equity FA ESGE and then GO (e.g. AAPL FA ESGE).
2.    Select the sub-tabs to see additional ESG metrics.

The Bloomberg terminal can only be accessed at the Barcelona Library. See our FAQ: Bloomberg Terminal Access

•    Social
How a company treats its own employees, customers, vendors, and the communities it is based in.

(For desktop application or web access please email
For Social company data:

1. Search for a company using the search box on the top left-hand corner of the page.
2. Once on the company profile page, click on the “ESG” tab in the top menu> “ESG statement” tab.
3. On the left-hand filters column, limit by “Social” pillar.

For downloading large datasets:

LSEG provides in-depth coverage of social-related data dating back to FY 2002.
Type ESG on the search box and retrieve a list of ESG search Apps.

For Social company data:

1. Type on the search box “Ticker Equity FA ESGE” and then click on <GO> (e.g. AAPL FA ESGE).
2. Select the sub-tabs to see additional ESG metrics.

The Bloomberg terminal can only be accessed at the Barcelona Library. See our FAQ: Bloomberg Terminal Access

• Governance

This area covers issues such as companies’ tax audits, shareholders rights and top-level executive compensation, as well as the controls placed on these internal policies.

Access via WRDS and extract large datasets. First time users should register.

(For desktop application or web access please email
For company governance data:

1. Search for a company using the search box on the top left-hand corner of the page.
2. Once on the company profile page, click on the “ESG” tab in the top menu> “ESG statement” tab.
3. On the left-hand filters column, limit by “Governance” pillar.

For compensation data:

Once on the company profile page, select “ESG” tab and then “Offices”. This will bring up detailed information on remuneration.

Search for the company, on the left-hand menu under People and select Compensation.

In the People screener there is a Gender flag.

• ESG Indexes

(For desktop application or web access please email
Type ESGI on the search box to retrieve data on ESG Indexes.

Type BESG on the search box and then click on <GO>.
The Bloomberg terminal can only be accessed at the Barcelona Library. See our FAQ: Bloomberg Terminal Access

• ESG Sovereign Data

World Bank Sovereign Data Portal

World Bank ESG Data

• ESG Data vendors   

Environmental Finance ESG Data Guide 2023
Useful starting point for identifying ESG data vendors. Fee and free data.

 See also:
Library FAQ: ESG data-LSEG Workspace (formerly Refinitiv Workspace)
Library FAQ: ESG data-Datastream

CSR Reports

Search on the company websites for CSR Reports.

Corporate Register
Global online directory of corporate responsibility (CR) reports past and present.
Register required for access (free).

Sustainability Reporting Sources & Standard Setting Organizations