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Books in the IESE Library

The Discovery lists all of the books in our collection. Select “Books”, type your search terms (by author, title, subject) and SEARCH.

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New Books

New Books this Month in the IESE Library 

See here new physical books from last month from the Discovery.


Discovery Advanced Search
Locate e-books in the IESE library collection by title, ISBN, author or subject. You can find subscribed books from different providers including EBSCO, Springer and Elsevier, as well as different ebooks available for free.

Select "Books", type your search terms, and SEARCH. Then limit your results by Show only> Available online.

EBSCO’s multidisciplinary eBooks Portal. Ebooks download allowed.

A multidisciplinary platform that includes more than 112,000 Spanish electronic books from top academic publishers. Ebooks download allowed (registration is required).

Recommended Course Books

Course Materials [coming soon]

Reserve course materials (for Faculty). 

Books Written by IESE Faculty

IESE Publications
Select Publications Types: Books. Also articles, papers, studies, cases, technical notes...

IESE BOOKS - Discovery
For searches: From the Discovery > Select “Books”, type your search terms (by author, title, subject) and SEARCH. On the left sidebar filter results by: Book Lists > IESE Books List.

Obtaining Books

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Book Reviews

Reviews published in magazines. Under "Limit your results" select "Document Type= Book review".

Look under the "Limit your results" section, see the "Publication type" box, and select the "Book review" option.

JSTOR will search over 200 business publications when you select Advanced Search and pick "business" as a topic. Must select 'Review' as 'Item Type' in the 'Narrow Results:' section. 

See Business Book Reviews 
​Soundview also publishes free-newsletters to keep business executives up-to-date on the latest in business thinking.

A search for articles includes book reviews. A separate "book review" feature does not exist.

To search for book reviews in newspaper databases in Factiva:
1. Use the AUTHOR's last name and words or phrases from the TITLE of the book, including the SUBtitle.
2. Separate each of these elements with AND. Do not use little words, like prepositions and articles.
3. Take opportunities to put in dates, using the year the book was first published and maybe the following year.

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